Feeling Moving: The Biology of Emotion
Taught by Mary Abrams
Oct 15
Saturday, 12-6 pm
Location: Soma Yoga Center
511 Raritan Ave, Highland Park, NJ 08904
Fee: $110 before Oct 1
$125 after Oct 1
To register contact:
Contact: Bobbie Ellis, Somactr@aol.com 732-777-9642
At the heart of everything we feel, think, and do is our physical body alive with the motivating and amplifying movement of the affective system. This system is the biological basis of our emotions.
Our affective system moves through our bodies at every level of being, like sap flowing through all developments of a tree from roots to fruit. Since affect refers to silent biological processes, emotion refers to when biology joins with symbolic memory and meaning.
How we meet with “emotion” is extremely significant and understanding feeling, as consciousness of affect, plays a crucial role in how we participate in the movement of life. Becoming conscious of the ways affect moves through our bodies and moves us in life, can increase our capacity to “surf” the emotional seas of being, and support the ways we participate with self and others.
During this daylong workshop we will explore somatic movement processes inspired by breath/sound and fluid movement play to awaken body awareness and consciousness of affective flow—feeling. As we experience our feeling moving we will explore basic theory and language of the affective system from the work of Silvan S. Tomkins and a model for how we create meaning from the work of J.S. Bois. We will discover the ways movement and sensation awareness can offer new understanding and value for all our feelings, and how feeling motivates us as we relate with self and others.
Mary Abrams, MA, RSME brings passion, skill, and an inquisitive spirit to her teaching. She directs programs and teaches at Moving Body Resources in New York City and leads the Masters Degree Dance & Somatic Well-being course in the USA. She comes from a 30 year dance background including 20 years of Continuum with Emilie Conrad and Susan Harper, and her ongoing work with Gary David, Ph.D. Her creative edge continues to develop ways toward more body awareness and movement within the fields of Epistemics and affect-script theory. She holds a BA in Dance from St. Olaf College and a MA in Consciousness Studies focusing on embodied movement practice and theory from Goddard College. www.movingbodyresource.com