New Year’s Moving Immersion
led by Mary Abrams
Mon-Wed, Jan 2-4, 2017
10 am-3 pm each day
If you have strong intentions for 2017, or strong ambivalences regarding the unknowns ahead, join us for a time of inner dwelling, dreaming, peace-making, and healing. The intelligence for all this is alive and well inside you. As we immerse together moving and breathing in community we amplify the best of all our silent intentions and charge the new year with all that awakens in us.
Mary will offer the group sequences of breath/sound and movement to explore. Once the sequence is laid out participants will dive in and explore. “Diving” offers a time to deepen within the felt-sense direct experience of your being through your physical body. Attending to the emerging process Mary will guide participants according to individual interests and needs. As the days unfold this immersion may include partnered explorations and touch to enhance a sense of connection and support.
Each day will include two sections 10 am-12:30 pm and 12:45-3 pm. You are welcome to attend single random sections, a full day, or all three days.
Single sections $35 each
Full day $60
Two days $115
Three days $180