Feeling Moving:
Deepening with meaning & intimacy
Feeling Moving: Deepening with meaning & intimacy
Taught by Mary Abrams
May 14-15, 2022
Sat-Sun, 10 am – 2 pm
Online & In-person
Our physical body is at the heart of everything we feel, think, and do. This body is designed with the motivating and amplifying movements of the biology of emotions, our affective system. Like sap flowing through all the developments of a tree from roots to fruit, our affective system moves through our bodies at every level of our being. Our affects are silent, non-words, processes. Our emotions develop throughout our lives as biology (affect) joins with symbolic memory and meaning (biography) in the scenes of our lives.
The ways we meet with “emotion” is extremely significant. Understanding feeling, as consciousness of affect, plays a crucial role in how we participate in the movement and meaning of all our experience. Becoming conscious of the ways affect moves through our bodies and moves us in life, can increase our capacity to “surf” the emotional seas of being, and support the ways we participate with ourselves.
During this two-day workshop we will explore somatic movement processes inspired by breath/sound and fluid movement, to awaken bodily awareness and consciousness of affective flow—feeling. As we experience our feeling moving, we will explore basic theory and language of the affective system from the work of Silvan S. Tomkins and current neuroscience. We will utilize a model for how we create meaning from the work of J.S. Bois and Gary David, epistemics.
Along the way we will experience how movement and sensation awareness can offer us new understanding, enhance the value of all our feelings, and support what motivates us to deepen all the ways we experience meaning and our sense of intimacy in our lives.
TO REGISTER via email or phone contact:
mary@movingbodyresources.com or call 212-206-7542