Awakening Our Womb Presence

Taught by Mary Abrams & Maryanne Savino

Saturday, February 11 
12:30-6 pm 

We welcome you to journey with us into Feminine Dimensions of the Living Womb. The womb is a woman’s sacred chalice that holds her power, wisdom, and creativity. When you let go and move deep within your womb, you begin to feel your authentic nature come alive.  By making a deeper connection with your inner world, you can tap into your body’s divine wisdom and move through life with greater ease and joy.

In this ½ day workshop we will explore subtle movements, breath, sound, touch, and fully expressive movement to contact, connect with, and awaken the unique power of our individual living wombs.  As we awaken ourselves in the space of community, we create a larger womb of safe creative healing for each other and our world.

This workshop is for women of all ages.  Womb energy, in all stages of a woman’s life, is vital life force.  A life force energy that can be protected, cultivated, healed, nurtured, and utilized for the benefit of personal and universal vitality.

To register via email or phone contact Mary Abrams:  or 212-206-7542