Moving Silence


Taught by Mary Abrams

Moving Silence Weekend 2019:
November 22 – 24
Friday 2 pm to Sunday 5 pm
Fee:  $225 

Moving Silence Weekend 2020 dates TBA

During this weekend of silence, we will deepen our awareness of inner silent level body experience with breath, sound, and movement to facilitate the interruption of habits of thinking, feeling, and relating.  Letting go of exchanging words, we will dwell with the inner pulsing, murmuring, oozing, and soft vibrancy of our living bodies. We gather on Friday afternoon to review and practice a sequence of breath, sound, and movement that becomes our mantra for diving into silence.  We will have a dinner break and return without words to commence our silent exploration which lasts until Sunday between 3-4 pm (2 nights & almost 2 days!). We will emerge from silence back to words, sharing reflections from our journeys and cultivating support for what is comes to life from our silent level experiences.

TO REGISTER via email or phone contact: or 212-206-7542