Moving Body Silence Urban Retreat
Moving Body Silence Urban Retreat
Mar 31-Apr 2
Starting 4 pm Fri ending 3 pm Sun
In-person only
Moving Body Silence is an opportunity to linger without words, be offline, and dwell deeply within. Mary offers a Continuum-inspired sequence of breath/sound movement to explore during our days and nights in silence. As we dwell within individually and in communion, we appreciate activity and rest, awakening in a new season of budding, sprouting, growing, and blossoming. In the silence we invite our inner resources to develop in support of our own lives and life on earth. For this brief urban retreat, participants are invited to spend the entire retreat at MBR, sharing dreamtime together Friday and Saturday nights. Sharing the dreamtime enhances and deepens our ability to cultivate the space of silence together.
TO REGISTER via email or phone contact: or call 212-206-7542