Feeling Free

Taught by Mary Abrams

Saturday, September 29, 2018  1:30–6 pm
Fee:  $85

Soma Yoga Center
511 Raritan Ave, Highland Park, NJ 08904

To register contact:
Bobbie Ellis, Somactr@aol.com


Most often we focus on the meaning of the word free in terms of being able to act without constraint or limitation, to have full self-agency, and to experience sustained liberation.  Interestingly, the word free relates to the Dutch word vrij and the German word frei having roots in the Indo-European meaning “to love.” 

What changes in our experience of limitations, contraints, obligations, contracts;
physical, emotional and relational restrictions; when we support learning our way toward feeling free, as feeling to love?

Our ability to feel moves at a silent level, without words, within our bodies.  Our physicality is an ongoing playground of densities, lightnesses, tensions, restrictions, and limitations.  Feeling our way with more awareness of these silent level movements can offer support for discovering new ways toward feeling free, as feeling to love.


In this workshop participants will be invited to bring an intention from their daily life—work, relationship, physcial body, spiritual, etc.—in which they would like to experience more freedom.  As a seed for exploration, we will feel for the meaning of these intentions in the silence of our bodies. We will explore ways to expand bodily sensation awareness and develop more subtle and greater range of motion, toward new feeling-meaning.  Through breath, sound, micro and macro movements we will further discover ways we can “kiss the edges of our resistance” with conscious participation, respect, and feeling to love new experiences of freedom.  We will include verbal exchange and compassionate self-reflexive processes, to expand our possibilities for ways we can move more freely with love in our lives beyond the workshop. 

Mary Abrams, MA, RSME brings passion, skill, and an inquisitive spirit to her teaching. She directs programs and teaches at Moving Body Resources in New York City and teaches on the Masters Degree Dance & Somatic Well-being course at the University of Central Lancashire, UK. She comes from a 30 year dance background including 20 years of Continuum with Emilie Conrad and Susan Harper, and her ongoing work with Gary David, Ph.D. Her creative edge continues to develop ways toward more body awareness and movement within the fields of Epistemics and affect-script theory. She holds a BA in Dance from St. Olaf College and a MA in Consciousness Studies from Goddard College focusing on embodied movement practice and theory.

Photos: Lillian Stamey